
VanTopics has tried to cover any random topics, including but not limited to lifestyle, entertainment, technology, etc. The only topics that are not involved are gossip and politics.

This website has been running since 2013 February. At that time, VanTopics was like a piece of white paper, having nothing written on it. With our continuous effort, we maintain the website and try to provide a comfortable reading experience.

We hope that VanTopics is not just a blog. Our main goal is to share our life experience and knowledge to our readers. We believe everyone has their own strengths. We have been searching for ours for a long time and have tried to learn a lot of things. That is why any topics can show up on VanTopics.

Now, we are not beginners of content creating but still not professional yet. Please feel free to leave a comment if you find something that we can improve on. Appreciated!

YouTube Channels

During 2019 April, we started our YouTube channel. This was our first showing up on camera.

At the beginning, our channel only covered information about living in Vancouver and Canada. We shared the experience we gained in Canada, hoping to help the new immigrants or those who plan to stay in Canada. Later on, our channel covered topics such as food, entertainment and lifestyle, making it more like our website. And now, as we’ve found our audience tend to interact more on business vlogs and videos that are about productivity, we currently focus more on the two topics.

Since we’re both interested in painting, even though we aren’t art masters, we would like to share and interact through videos. To avoid distracting the audience on our main channel (VanTopics), we started another YouTube channel, which is called Zhi Zu Station (originally called VanTopics Plus) and only shares art-related videos.

Etsy Shop

In 2020 August, we opened our Etsy shop! For now, our shop has some scrunchies, masks and make-up bags in stock. If you are interested, feel free to visit our shop:

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